Wednesday, January 25, 2012

oops, my bad.

If you read my last post, you should have gotten a strong impression that I have no interest in private practice.  I shouldn't haven't have posted anything or written my class assignment until I completed day one in my clinic rotation.

I'm working with a private practice audiologist this semester.  Immediately after leaving her office Monday, I discovered several things:

1. She has the cutest office ever.  She proved that audiologists don't have to have boring workplaces. She even painted her sound booth to complement the color scheme of her office.  It's very professional and very welcoming, like you would be going to into her home.

2.  Private practice doesn't mean working 8-5, Monday through Friday.  Private practice means I make my own schedule.  I can have days off if I want.  It's my choice.

3.  I don't have to make a decision whether or not I want to go into private practice today.  Or tomorrow.  I can work for several years before deciding if that's a path I want to take.

My schedule isn't a normal third year schedule (all day Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday).  I go half a day Monday, all day Tuesday, half a day Wednesday, and all day Thursday.  The joys of only working half a day means I can spend the other half doing school work or house/wife work.  I also have time to be more involved in my church, which is something I've had to back off from because of my previous Houston clinic-going.

It's funny how things change in a day.  Sunday, you couldn't pay me enough to go into private practice because I thought it would take away from being a mom, something I'm born to do.  But now, I know that I can be a good mom and raise my kids, and then open/buy a private practice once my kids are in school or even a little later.  The good news is that I don't have to decide that now.  When the time comes, we'll know if it's something we want to do.

In other news, I've been enjoying the mess out of coffee. I learned the hard way on Friday not to drink an entire pot over the course of a day, but I can do a cup or two :)

Also - it's storming outside, and while I'm so thankful to have the afternoon off, my poor Carmella is snuggled with me on the couch trying to hide from the thunder.  She's not allowed on the furniture; however, she forgets the rules when she hears thunder.  She's practically sitting on top of me, which is making the task of blogging particularly difficult.

Later on folks,

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