Saturday, April 30, 2011

A few days left...

until the semester is over! I have two finals, a notebook, and a manual due along with one more lab and then I'll be finished! I'll technically be a 3rd year. I'm excited! I have about 3 weeks in between my last final and the first day of summer classes. This summer, I'll be at Lamar for my clinic. I'm happy to go back because I'll be getting a lot more experience with hearing aids and I'll be close to home! But I'm pretty sure starting in the fall I'll be in Houston three days a week. It's ok, I'll be done before I know it.
Sam and I saw "Water for Elephants" last night. It was a good movie, but it wasn't as much like the book as I would have liked. All in all, still a very good movie. Two thumbs up.
P.S. My birthday is in two weeks. I'll be 25! I can't believe I'm going to be 25. I'm getting old.

Anyway, I need to go study. I have a lot to do over the next few days and I can't afford to waste any time! I'll update after finals, hopefully to say I've managed to make all A's this semester!


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