Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Baby GZ 1.0

Ever since we got married, Sam and I have wanted kids.  However, we knew that having kids + grad school = death.  So we waited...and waited...and waited.  I'm currently finishing my externship at Lamar and will be graduating next month (!!!!!) so we figured it would be awesome to be HUGE pregnant when I walked across the stage to get my diploma.  So, we started trying for a baby in September.  We figured if I got pregnant right away, I would be due in June.  That would be perfect.  Thinking back on that genius decision, I'm glad that's not how things worked out, because I couldn't imagine being 8 months pregnant right now and trying to finalize school stuff.  That's also assuming there were no unexpected uh-oh's during the pregnancy, like the baby coming early and stuff.  Or having twins.  Or anything else, really.  I thought it was a good idea at the time.  But it didn't happen.  
I then thought, how awesome would it be to find out I was pregnant around Christmas?  That would be perfect.  That didn't happen either.  
Back story: I was told I have PCOS. I don't accept that.  I just think I have other issues.  Anyway, I was told it takes the normal couple 6-12 months to become pregnant after trying.  So I wasn't discouraged - we had only been trying a couple of months.  I knew it wouldn't be much longer before we got our positive pregnancy test.  My fear was that Sam would become discouraged or bitter during the process.  So we didn't really talk about it. I didn't tell him when I found out about other people getting pregnant.  I didn't want to rub it in his face that other people were pregnant and we weren't.  
*Before I go on, please understand that our story is NO WHERE near the stories of people who have been trying for YEARS.  I don't consider us in the same category.  We didn't struggle.  We were normal.  
Anyway, for the month of January, I was adamant about us "actively" trying. I kept track on an app on my iPhone and I'm pretty sure both of us got tired of the routine.  The beginning of February, we went to the Dominican Republic.  We had a great time.  But contrary to popular belief, a baby was not conceived during that trip.  We got back home and I quit counting days.  I quit tracking it, and I quit reminding Sam about our "routine". 

Thursday, February 28, I went to Houston for a hearing aid training.  After lunch, I had horrible heartburn - I didn't know that's what it was at the time because I've never had it before.  For the rest of the day, I had bad heartburn.  I wasn't sure if it was something I ate or something else.  The thought crossed my mind that I could be pregnant, but after taking so many tests that were negative I wasn't 100% convinced. 
The following day, my stomach was just kind of in knots all day.  I couldn't figure out why - I wasn't nervous or anxious about anything.  I went to the grocery store Saturday, and I bought a couple of cheap pregnancy tests.  I mean if they were gonna be negative, I might as well get the cheap ones, right?  And - side note - it doesn't matter if you're married, you still get looks when you have pregnancy tests in your hand.  Like the people who see them don't know if they should prematurely congratulate you or go into mourning for you. 
So I get home, unload groceries, and I decided to take a test.  I know they say wait until you first wake up because your levels are higher in the morning. But I'm so impatient with these things.  So I took it - and there was the faintest little line.  I wasn't convinced.  I thought it was a false positive.  I had NO symptoms.  
The next morning, I take another one.  Still, a faint line.  So I went to church and went about my business.  After church, I went and bought an expensive one - the sensitivity is better so it'll give a better result.  I bought a digital one and a regular one with the lines.  I took the regular one first - 2 lines.  I'm freaking out.  Laughing hysterically.  I actually don't believe it yet.  I took pregnancy tests for 6 months and they were negative...what's this? 
Sam had to work that Sunday and he wouldn't be getting home until like 11, and I knew I wouldn't be able to stay up that late.  But I HAD to tell him.  So I called him and it pretty much went like this:
Rae: "Hey...well I took a pregnancy test and I think I'm pregnant"
Sam: "Oh, cool."
That's it.  I don't even know if he heard me.  He's been wanting a kid, and's like he doesn't care.

Well, that's not true.  The next day, he told me that he doesn't trust pregnancy tests because "you know, they're wrong sometimes" - so I scheduled a blood test.  Even though I took like 6 tests, including the digital ones that say "PREGNANT" across the screen. I took the blood test and my HCG level was 54.  It was kind of low, but it was definitely there.  So I call Sam and now he's excited.  He just needed a "real test".  So we tell our families over the week and they're all ecstatic.  It's great.  I went back the following week for a follow-up HCG test and it was 1789.  So I'm definitely pregnant.  So I'm at ease now since the number grew.  

I've decided to use a midwife at a birth center - so I had my first appointment with her April 9.  I was excited, but kind of scared because it had been a while since all these tests and I could possibly not be pregnant anymore.  But we answered questions and she did blood work and then at the end of the appointment, she put the doppler on my belly.  I already knew there was a really small chance we would hear the heartbeat because I was only 8 weeks.  But we heard it! The most beautiful sound I've heard - 168 beats a minute of pure joy and love.  So I definitely felt pregnant after that.  We weren't 100% sure of the conception date so she ordered an ultrasound to date the pregnancy.  We went Monday and got to see our little sweetheart.  There's just one in there and it's healthy.  It was actually moving during the ultrasound so we got to see its little body wiggling.  It was so sweet.  We saw and heard the heartbeat - 162 beats this time.  And I'm a week further along than we calculated.

I have no symptoms.  No morning sickness, thank you Jesus.  No cravings, no food aversions.  I've been tired, but it is exhausting to grow a baby.  Other than that, I feel great.

We tried for 6 months.  We did not struggle to get pregnant.  It happened when we weren't focused on it.  God knew the perfect timing for us.  And we couldn't be any happier about our little sweetheart.  
Baby Guerrero - Due 11/8/13

And, for the record, I think it's a boy :)

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