Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New year, new season, new hobby.

As the new year approaches, I, like most people, think of New Year's resolutions. There's the obvious choice to lose weight, but I'm keeping that off of my list this year. I have two main goals: to keep my house as clean as possible and to become a better Christian. These seem like two simple goals but once you dig into the details, it's a lot of work.
  • Hard-to-keep-a-clean-house-reason #1: I have 2 dogs. They are sweet and I love them, but they shed constantly. 
  • Hard-to-keep-a-clean-house-reason #2: I'm in graduate school and I have a part-time job. My free time is minimal.
As for becoming a better Christian, I have only one excuse as to why I can't become better: myself.  I have to make the effort. Daily. Usually I start off with a bang, just like I came off of an awesome retreat. I find myself buried in my bible, praising Jesus whenever I can, and reading books about how to become even more in love with Jesus. Then, just a week or so later, life hits hard and I have less time to indulge in my bible and before I know it, I haven't opened my bible in a week or even a month, only using it at church. Moments of praising Jesus or even talking to Him become rare, only praising when something good happens to me.
My husband says I don't need a "New Year's Resolution" and that I can make one whenever I want. My goal is to not have just a New Year's Resolution, but to finally stick with something and have it become more of a lifelong resolution.
So, to kick-start my resolution, I've decided to start a blog. I've thought about starting one for a few months and I always pushed the feeling away thinking I had nothing important to talk about. So, even if I'm the only one who ever reads my blog, I'll be able to look at it and see where I started and how far I've come. It'll be an account of my life, my blessings, and my goals.
One thing I want to do, even if it's corny, is to list at least one blessing at the end of my blog. It will  remind me that I am blessed because I am a child of God. At the end of the day, I can always be positive and know that good things did happen that day, even if they were small things.
I don't plan to blog daily because I don't think I'll have the time for that. My goal is to write every 2-3 days. And in a year I'll look back and be able to see how much I've grown.

For a first blog post, I'm proud of myself. It took me longer to come up with my blog name.

Today's blessing: I got called into work today because someone was sick, but that means I'm off all day tomorrow. I plan on cleaning my house (like full-on spring cleaning) and spending the evening with my husband.

Do everything in love,


  1. I AM a stalker. I enjoyed reading your blog :)
    I think those are pretty good "new year resolutions". You forgot to say how cool you think I am in your "About Me" section, just saying.

  2. Wow, great start on your blog! I hope you will continue to write because I have enjoyed reading what you have so far. You are not only motivating yourself to become a better person you are also inspiring your readers to do the same. Thanks.

  3. I love reading friends' blogs, Rae! Looking forward to growing in Christ with you this year.

    DF :)
