Our washing machine hose decided to bust during a cycle Sunday night. I didn't know this so we didn't see it until Monday morning. Water was in our kitchen. On the bright side, it wasn't the entire washing machine that needed to be replaced. Just a hose. Thank you, Jesus! We mopped up the water, Sam replaced the hose, and we are good to go! Hallelujah :)
I've been working much more this week since our co-manager is on vacation. Good thing: more money. Bad thing: no free time. It's just for a week, so I'll survive. However, I've been looking forward to reading Sisterhood Everlasting: A Novel (The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants)
Speaking of June 14, Sam and I celebrated 3 years of marital bliss on that day :) We watched our wedding video the following night and I have to say, I'm so glad he shaved his mustache! I didn't know it then, but he looks so much better without it. And yesterday, June 22, we celebrated 5 years of being together. Ever since he swept me off my feet, I've been head over heels in love with him. He really is a blessing. I've had so much fun with him these past 5 years and I know we will be blessed with many many more years together. Yes, there will be kids in the future. Just not right at this moment. Check back in a year and a half or so :)
Ok that's a little update on me for now! Nothing too profoundly philosophical, I'm too tired.
Rae :)